Saggy cargo pants

Bob Advertiser
Published 01/16/2024 - 1 year ago
Chicago, IL

Freight jeans or freight pants, likewise once in a while called battle jeans or battle pants after their unique reason as military workwear, are inexactly cut pants initially intended for unpleasant workplaces and open air exercises, recognized by various enormous utility pockets for conveying devices.
Freight shorts are an abbreviated form of freight pants, with the legs for the most part reaching out down to approach knee lengths.

Both freight jeans and shorts have since become additionally famous as metropolitan relaxed wear since they are baggy and very helpful for conveying additional things during regular foot trips or while cycling.

A freight pocket is a type of a fix pocket, frequently with accordion folds for expanded limit shut with a fold got by snap, button, magnet, or Velcro normal on battledress and hunting clothing. In certain plans, freight pockets might be concealed inside the legs.